About us

Our founders, Radim, Lukáš and Záviš, created collalloc because aging is tiring and they wanted to stay young for a long time. Sometimes they act 13, but the body is not what it used to be. So they decided to create products that would work and that they themselves would want to use.

For that, though, they wanted the perfect name. And so the English word collagen and the Czech loc “collalloc” were born. Some will have noticed that it is a palindrome, meaning it reads the same from the front as it does from the back. The pronunciation is also somewhat misleading to collaloc lemonade, and although the similarity is purely coincidental, both of these drinks can give the body a good boost.

Radim is in charge of marketing and communication, Lukas was the main driver of finance and Záviš took charge of sales and production.

Unfortunately Lukas passed away in 2016, so this page is dedicated to him with many THANKS.

Thanks bro!!!